911 Operator Laugh AUDIO During Emergency Call When Man Says His Girlfriend Is On Fire: Investigation Ongoing While Woman Operator's Job Still In Tact

911 operator laughs audio has been released following an emergency call that a man's car was on fire as well as his girlfriend.

Lalo Delgado and his girlfriend were on their way to Chiva Falls in Tucson, Arizon when they got into a freak accident, according to ABC Tucson affiliate KGUN. Delgado called 911 to report that both his car and his girlfriend were on fire, but is caught off guard when he hears the operator laugh and the audio proves what he thought he heard.

When the 911 operator asked if Delgado's girlfriend was still on fire, he said no. She responded, saying "No?" This is when in the audio it can heard that the operator laughs as well as somebody else in the background.

Delgado overheard the laughter and started to question the operator.

"Her initial reaction was laugh and giggle in the background," he told KGUN. "It was very disturbing."

The phone call was recorded and actually investigated by the police before a complaint was filed by Delgado.

"The matter is under investigation," Woolridge said in an emailed statement to The Huffington Post Thursday evening. "We acknowledge the lapse in professionalism but in no way did it affect or impair the nature or speed of the response to this emergency."

It took four hours to get Delgado's girlfriend, who suffered second- and third-degree burns over 40 percent of her body, airlifted to the hospital. The Pima County Sheriff's Department told KVOA it took so long because the remote area where the two were stuck was difficult to access.

Pima County Sheriff Capt. Karl Woolridge told NBC Tucson's KVOA that, after an initial investigation, they determined the 911 operator's conduct was inappropriate and that she "had a momentary lapse in professionalism and decorum without question." Officials will conduct a further investigation on the matter, but the operator in question remains on the job.

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