Cory Monteith "Glee" Episode Trailer Released [WATCH VIDEO HERE]: Memorial Episode "Very Difficult To Shoot", Crew Sobbed

The Cory Monteith Glee episode is sure to be a tearjerker, and a new promo video pretty much confirms this. Watch the trailer for the episode, "Farewell To Finn", below.

Glee has debuted the trailer for next week's memorial episode for Cory Monteith/Finn, and it's saaaad. 

In the first shot, the cast members are seen assembling a shrine at Finn's old locker. In the background, a Glee cover of "Make You Feel My Love" plays over shots of Kurt and Rachel crying.

"[The episode] was very difficult to shoot," creator Ryan Murphy told press. "Those actors and the crew really loved Cory. They loved Cory. ...He was the most kind, the most generous, never a bad word for anybody. So I think what you will see in the episode is what really happened.

The episode made the whole cast and crew emotional, Murphy said. "Almost everything in that episode is from the first take of every performance. The actors and crew had a really hard time shooting it. "

Murphy added, "I've never seen a crew where you can't continue shooting it because they left the room sobbing. It was very hard. I struggled working on it because what you're seeing is not just what people felt about Finn but Cory."

"When you write something like that there's no right way to do it," Murphy continued. "A lot of the actors contacted me and said, 'I loved him so much can I please be a part of it,' so we put them in. It was very rough. It was very rough with Lea [Michele], but I was very proud of it."

Watch the trailer below, and sound off on your thoughts in the comments below!

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