Jodi Arias Book Club Has Book Reviews On Website [VIDEO]: Twitter Announcement Of Book Club For Convicted Murderer; "I cried three times reading this book"

Jodi Arias  has started a book club website for her book reviews.  She announced the book club website on Twitter. 

A friend of hers is posting her Tweets and book reviews from jail.  Jodi receives books in the mail from donors, posting the donor name in her book reviews for the book club website.  She is currently asking people not to send books for her to review because she has more than the prison will allow.  Jodi is in prison for the murder of her ex-boyfriend, a Mormon motivational speaker.

Books that Jodi Arias has read or wants to read  and review include the Twilight Series, the Da Vinci Code, and 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.  She also wants to read a nonfiction book entitled Fractal Time.

Regarding the book The Lost Symbol, a Dan Brown novel, Jodi Arias said: "I always feel smarter after reading Dan Brown's books."

Jodi Arias Posted this book review of To Kill a Mockingbird on her book club website:

"I just finished 'To Kill a Mockingbird', which I managed to avoid reading in HS. I understand now why it's a classic. It was a good read. This author, now elderly and nearly blind and deaf, was conned out of her royalties for a period, but won them back in a recent legal battle. Good for her! There is so much quotable material in this book. A few that stuck out to me: 'The one place a man ought to get a square deal is in a courtroom, be he any color of the rainbow, but people have a way of carrying their resentment right into the jury box.'(Atticus Finch) and, 'It's never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name. It just shows you how poor that person is, it doesn't hurt you.' (Atticus Finch). I cried three times reading this book"


Jodi Arias said this about the book Under the Banner of Heaven, which is critical of the Mormon church: "This is an unbelievably true story of religious fanaticism taken horribly too far. I typically do not read books with this type of subject matter because some of it is deeply disturbing. Also, the Mormon Church might frown upon my reading this because it casts the church's early history in a less than pristine light. However, I found it very educational and in an unexpected way, I was endeared to Joseph Smith more than before reading it in spite of the book's focus on his failures and shortcomings. It showed he was a flawed human being. Only Jesus was perfect, Right? The author also clearly delineates the LDS Church and the splinter groups NOT associated with it that practice polygamy. On a side note: I crossed paths once with some bona fide FLDS polygamists in the Grand Canyon of all places. They looked plucked directly from the 19th century."


Jodi Arias is currently waiting for a retrial of the sentencing phase of her case, which will decide if she gets the death penalty or life in prison.  A life in prison is a long time to read books and post book reviews on a website!

Watch Jodi Arias Murder Trial Video Here:

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