Oscar Pistorius Trial Date: Athlete Will Be Tried For Murder Of Girlfriend On March 2014, Olympian ‘Shot With Intention To Kill’ Says Prosecutors

Oscar Pistorius’ trial date starts on March 3, 2014 where he will eventually be found either guilty or innocent for a murder charge. The timeline of his trial date was determined Monday after he appeared at a South African court. He was indicted for shooting his supermodel girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, last February 14.

In the most recent detail on the case as reported by the Associated Press, prosecutors revealed that witnesses heard a woman screaming before the sound of fatal gunshots were fired by the double-amputee athlete during the pre-dawn hours of Valentine’s Day.

The Olympian and Paralympian was in court for the indictment and wept before proceedings began. The athlete will face charges of illegal possession of ammunition when he goes on trial March 3. He will be tried at the South African capital, Pretoria.

Monday would have been Reeva Steenkamp’s 30th birthday. Prosecutors said that Pistorius “shot with intention to kill a person,” and a spokesman from the prosecution team said that the act was premeditated murder.

Prosecutors on the case will also attempt to show that the couple argued before Reeva was killed, to further solidify the reasoning that the athlete had intentions to kill her.

“Some of the state witnesses heard a woman scream, followed by moments of silence, then heard gunshots and then more creaming,” the prosecution said in the 11-page indictment, according to the Associated Press.

The trial period set by the court for Oscar Pistorius is March 3-20. Oscar has been consistent in denying that he intentionally killed Reeva, claiming that he shot her by mistake. He mistook her for an intruder in their upscale home in Pretoria.

The team of prosecutors involved in the case submitted a list of more than 100 witnesses, including Pistorius’ uncle Arnold, sister Aimee and brother Carl, as well as some residents from the gated community where Reeva and Oscar resided.

If convicted of murder, Oscar Pistorius can face up to 25 years in prison before parole. South Africa does not have death penalty as capital punishment.

The former sports hero, known as Blade Runner, appeared in court for Monday’s indictment, crying and holding hands with his siblings before proceedings began. He was wearing a dark suit and the athlete wiped away tears with a tissue and sat in the dock with his head bowed.
The athlete also stood and spoke twice, first responding to the magistrates question on whether he was OK by saying: “Under circumstances, ja (yes).” The court also asked him if he understood the indictment to which he said yes.

The case that is being watched all over the world for Oscar’s celebrity status will be sent to the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria where a judge will decide if he is innocent or guilty. The nation of South Africa does not have trial by jury.

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