Google Glass Release Date, Specs, Price, Review Update: No AR Lens For Christmas, Wearable Gadget To Be Released 2014

Google Glass will not available for Christmas. Computerworld noted that according to sources from the company, Google has backed out of its plans to ship the wearable gadget later this year.

The Mountain View tech giant now acknowledges that it will not be shipping the glasses until sometime 2014. It’s a departure from an earlier remark by an internal source from Google during the company’s Google I/O conference who said that the Glass would be available in 2013.

“We’re always adjusting and readjusting timelines. The most important thing that we do is focus on building a great product for users whenever that might be launched,” said a Google spokesman when asked about the release date.

The 2014 schedule is consistent with what Google CEO Eric Schmidt formerly remarked, when he told a BBC reporter last April that Glass was about a year away from hitting the shelves, Computerword reported.

“It’s fair to say there will be thousands in use over the months and there will be changes made base on feedback. But it’s fair to say it’s a year-ish away,” according to the Schmidt at that time.

Some analysts do think that the adjusted timing for release is a good move for Google.

“I’m pleased that Google has the discipline to hold Glass back until they think it’s perfect,” said Patrick Moorhead, an analyst at Moor Insight and Strategy, speaking to Computerworld.

“Typically, Google will throw products out before they’re ready, like the Nexus Q. Glass is a new category of devices and it’s important that it works well. [If not], it could stunt the growth of these kinds of devices.”

Zeus Kerravala, an analyst from ZK Research agrees.

“That’s interesting, but not surprising,” Kerravala said,” Glass has so much hype around it that it’s more important Google get it right than get it out early or on time.”

A Forrester research, however, point that the AR lens could have a promising future in the market. According to the study, roughly 21.6 million Americans would buy Google Glass if it were available today. The study even billed the wearable device as the next iPhone.

“Glass is continuously improving via over-the-air updates and new applications, and we have no doubt that in time, Glass will be the next iPhone,” according to the Forrester research.

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