Bad Girls Club Losing Its Edge! [VIDEO] ASKING Sara To Leave And 'Respecting Her Decision!' Past Seasons She Would Have Been Bullied, Beat Up And Tossed Out...LAME

Where did they find these 'Bad' Girls? They aren't bad, they are lame and boring. If I wanted to see friendship, peace adn ladies singing cum-bay-ah I'd watch 'Sister Wives.'

The Bad Girlc Club Miami episode 3 aired last night and the theme of the episode was clear. The Bad Girls Club hates Sara, but they will not act on their emotions like previous seasons. Sara, who started out looking like the baddest chick in the house, is hated so much that her confidence is starting to swindle, so the only real bad girl is losing her edge. With the focus in the Bad Girls Club house so centered around disliking Sara, by episode 3 the other girls are still getting lost to the viewers and the girls are starting to blend in with each other.

Besides Sara and GiGi, most viewers can't name any other of the girls' names. The girls seem timid and more polite to each other this season. It's most likely because the girls have a common enemy. Sara. And as we all know that nothing brings Bad Girls together like a common enemy!

The girls actually had a house meeting to discuss kicking out Sara. In past seasons the girls would have bullied Sara by throwing her bed in the pool,  ruining her stuff, spilling food and drinks on her, and packing up her stuff and kicking her out the front door. But this season, things got a whole lot tamer. 

The girls actually ASKED Sara if she wanted to leave and when Sara refused they said they 'respected her decision but would ignore her.' What! Is this Bad Girls Club or The Bachelorette house? How boring?

They ignored Sara but by the end she and Gigi were having a cat fight that Jazz proudly joined. But it was shocking that it took an entire episode for someone to throw a fist or hair to be pulled.WHen will the drama finally begin?

Has the Bad Girls Club lost its edge? 

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