Easter Eggs From The American Horror Story Coven Title Sequence: Santa Muerte, Spiritu Dominado, And Quote From Revelation

"American Horror Story: Coven" is just around the corner, and a slew of Easter eggs from the title sequence may give a glimpse into what season 3 holds for the audience.

Within the title sequence, you can catch glimpses of phrases and quotes, some of which are in Spanish.

One such name is Santa Muerte, or Holy Death, which is shown along with Sarah Paulson's name. She is a female folk saint venerated primarily in Mexico and the United States. Her typical attributes is that of a female skeleton clad in a robe, holding objects such as a scythe and a globe.

"A personification of death, she is associated with healing, protection, and safe delivery to the afterlife by her devotees," says the Wikipedia page for the subject.

Another phrase that appears by Paulson's name is the Black Dog. Legend has it that the Black Dog is the Devil himself, and is considered a portent of death.

Under Taissa Farmiga's name, the phrase "spiritu dominado" appears, which translated means dominated spirited. It is possible this foreshadows another possession storyline in "American Horror Story: Coven," but it is hard to tell.

And as the "American Horror Story: Coven" title sequences ends, a phrase from Revelation 6:9 appears.

"When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained."

For a brief explanation of this quote, click here.

What do you think of these Easter eggs? Does this give you a better idea of what "American Horror Story: Coven" will bring?

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