Super Smash Bros 4 For Wii U And 3DS: Free Pre-Release Testing? Nintendo & Best Buy Let Gamers Play On June 11 & 14

Super Smash Bros 4, available on the Nintendo Wii U and 3DS, will be available for pre-release play on June 11 and 14, Game Spot reports.

At over 100 Best Buy locations, gamers will be allowed to play the demo Nintendo is expected to present at the upcoming E3 2014 conference.

Characters like Ike and Marth are scheduled to appear together representing Fire Emblem in the roster, Gameranx reports.

"Ike's back to join Marth in representing Fire Emblem. There was a call from fans to bring characters from Fire Emblem Awakening (I mean, I wanted Marth Lucinda myself), but Ike is by no means a bad choice," the website writes.

"He seems set to be a power character with considerable range thanks to his sword, and he is definitely a fine addition to Super Smash Bros' roster. He's coming in to this game wearing his Radiant Dawn Threads, a little older, wiser, and not too shabby looking, based on the reactions I've seen."

Earlier this week it was reported that gamedevelopers will divulge more information at the upcoming E3 2014 conference.

"We know the title will be out this summer on 3DS, and most likely this winter on Wii U, but it's seeming increasingly likely that we'll have to wait for this June's E3 for the exact release date," writes.

"What we will consistently see are daily updates from Nintendo on the game's official site. The last significant info drop came from a Nintendo Direct, below, which revealed several new characters and details. While the daily posts don't give as many details as that video did, rest assured that series director Masahiro Sakurai will continue to post some form of content from the upcoming titles to appease fans."

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