Jack White Offers `Apology and Explanation’ to Black Keys; White Stripes and Black Keys Should Be in Harmony

Jack White Apology: White Stripes sit next to Black Keys on a piano keyboard, just ask Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney. Jack White wants to bring harmony between ebony and irony in his ongoing feud with the Black Keys.

Jack White is promoting his new record "Lazaretto," which drops on June 10. The Rolling Stone article, "Jack White: The Strange World of a Rock & Roll Willy Wonka," opened up a feud The Black Keys and other artists.

Nashville rocker Jack White offered "an apology and explanation" for the things he said in a recent Rolling Stone cover story which was seen as a blast against the Nashville band The Black Keys,  Adele, Duffy and Lana Del Rey, and his ex-wife and former bandmate Meg White.

Last year, Meg White revealed Jack's feelings about The Black Keys in a message she included from him in their divorce case. During an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Jack White said he felt The Black Keys were capitalizing on a sound he helped popularize,

White told Rolling Stone in the June cover story "There are kids at school who dress like everybody else, because they don't know what to do, and there are musicians like that, too. I'll hear TV commercials where the music's ripping off sounds of mine, to the point I think it's me. Half the time, it's the Black Keys. The other half, it's a sound-alike song because they couldn't license one of mine. There's a whole world that's totally fine with the watered-down version of the original."

White apologized to the artists, explaining how "certain acts open up a market for a certain style."

White said "I wish no slight to the talents of Winehouse, Duffy, Lana del Rey, and Adele. All of whom are wonderful performers with amazing voices. I have their records and I hope for more success for them all as the years go on. They deserve all they've gotten. And, I also would love to state that I personally find it inspiring to have powerful, positive female voices speaking out and creating at all times in the mainstream, and all of those singers do just that, so I thank them."

Speaking to Rolling Stone about his ex-wife, former White Stripes drummer Meg White, Jack said  "She's one of those people who won't high-five me when I get the touchdown."

In a statement, Jack explained "Meg White, who I also talked about to Rolling Stone about our working conversations, or lack thereof, is, of course, a musician I've personally championed for 15 years. She is a strong female presence in rock and roll, and I was not intending to slight her either, only to explain how hard it was for us to communicate with our very different personalities. This got blown out of proportion and made into headlines, and somehow I looked like I was picking on her. I would never publicly do that to someone I love so dearly. And, there are mountains of interviews where my words are very clear on how important I think she is to me and to music."

Talking about The Black Keys' Dan Auerbach, Jack said "That's a possible twelve fucking years I'm going to have to be sitting in kids chairs next to that asshole with other people trying to lump us in together. He gets yet another free reign to follow me around and copy me and push himself into my world."

The Black Keys' drummer Patrick Carney was understanding. He said White "sounds like an asshole," but blamed that on the Whites' divorce, saying "We've all said fucked-up shit in private, and divorce is hard." 

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