NBA Draft 2014: Joel Embiid College Coach Declares Him Healthy! Will Cleveland Take Him With The First Overall Pick? Raw Cameroonian Center Has Sick Upside!

The NBA Draft 2014 is coming in less than four weeks. We've been talking about these young players for two years now and the lucky NBA teams will make their choices.

Cleveland has the benefit of the number one pick and it is giving them some headaches. They are still being chided for 'blowing' last year's first overall pick.

While there are three players who are considered 'can't miss' prospects, one of them stands out. Joel Embiid is a center who can either become the next Hakeem Olajuwon or the next Greg Oden.

While Oden's stigma seems to hurt more now that the guy picked after him is now the MVP, there is also the case of Andre Drummond-the center whom eight teams (including Cleveland) passed on because of an injury. Now, he is the franchise cornerstone of the Detroit Pistons.

So the big question of the draft-how is Joel Embiid's back holding up?

Embiid's college coach in Kansas, Bill Self gave an endorsement in "I would have worries if the doctors and experts said there should be worries (Self was on the Jon and Sean Show on 97.5 The Fanatic) He's got a stress fracture in an area I guess 25 percent of all (football) linemen have and play with. Twelve percent of every gymnast has it. They said every student-athlete coming on campus has potential to have this injury. It happens (and) you don't do anything for it except rest it and rehab it and you are back to being yourself.

This is one area in his back that will create zero problems for him moving forward. All it did was create symptoms and pain initially but those things are all gone from what I've seen."

There is also Bill Simmons' statement in his Grantland video: "Embiid's back is fine. I watched him work out last week. - at a secret location in Santa Monica. He wasn't playing against anyone, just going through a two-hour workout with Will Perdue. Here's what I can tell you: He moves around as effortlessly as a 7-foot Serge Ibaka; he's such an athletic freak that he's one of those still going up as he's finishing the dunk guys; his freakish wingspan might make Jay Bilas pass out; he has been playing basketball for only four years (which seems impossible); he gave up a world-class volleyball career; he has 3-point range; he can shoot jump-hooks with both hands already; he couldn't have seemed more coachable/agreeable/likable; he's a hard worker with a goofy sense of humor; his voice is just a touch Mutombo-y (deep with a heavy African accent); and his friends call him "Jo-Jo." And again - his back seemed totally fine."

Simmons believes it's a no-brainer, and any statement made by any team that they will draft someone else over Embiid is just a 'smokescreen.'

But this is Cleveland. To be fair, they did well with the other no. 1 picks they had in this millennium. Of course, it's LeBron James. And of course, in the weak 2011 draft it's Kyrie Irving. It's just the weaker 2013 draft that was a question mark-and the other guys they didn't pick weren't all that better.

NBA Draft 2014: Joel Embiid
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