Doctor Who Endures Sexism Claims As Season 8 Finale Details Emerge: 13-Episode Reduced To 12 Plus 2014 Christmas Special

As "Doctor Who" season 8 approaches its August release date, the series is once again under fire for being sexist against women.

During a Q&A session at the Hay Festival, Steven Moffat was directed the question of whether a female Doctor will ever grace "Doctor Who."

"I don't know why I'm the one who gets the grief for this," responded Steven Moffat according to Telegraph. "I'm the one who put the dialogue into the show to say it can happen."

"Do you know how it will happen? It will not happen that somebody sits down and says we must turn the Doctor into a woman. That is not how you cast the Doctor. A person will pop into the showrunner's head and they'll think. 'Oh, my God, what if it was that person?' And when that person is a woman, that's the day it will happen."

According to The Guardian, "Doctor Who" was recently subjected to the Bechdel test, and while Russell T. Davies era had an 89% pass rate across 27 episodes, Moffat scored 57% across 21 episodes.

Meanwhile, spoilers on the "Doctor Who" season 8 finale have already surfaced, despite the series not premiering until August.

According to Doctor Who TV, "Doctor Who" season 8 will have a two-part finale, directed by Rachel Talalay and written by Moffat.

"Every episode of 'Doctor Who' is like a mini-feature and they’re all completely different," said Talalay during an interview.

"They’re massive. I’m so excited to get to work with the show. When watch them, I just think, 'This is so creative, this is so out there.' It fits into my kind of out-there, pushing-the-envelope, trying to give the audience something to grab on to… I don’t approach it in terms of, 'What am I bringing that’s different?' I’m approaching it in terms of, 'How the hell do you do this?!' It’s so hard! It’s so big and so hard and so ambitious. When you’re working with a wonderful script, you just think, 'How to I tell this story beautifully and blow away the audience?'”

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