‘X-Men Apocalypse’ Spoilers: Will The X-Men Be Annihilated? X-Force Is The New X-Men? Apocalypse Was Placed Before X-Force Despite Script And Director Waiting!

"X-Men: Apocalypse" was announced just before the release date of "X-Men: Days of Future Past." But there was actually a project with a script and director waiting: X-Force.

X-Force is a superhero team led by Cable. Thus, it is assumed that he will be introduced in the film-unless he will be a part of X-Men Apocalypse.

X-Force and Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld was asked about Cable in Apocalypse. Having written the series, he knows that an Apocalypse story should include Cable in some way, but his tweet was not so encouraging.

And the tweet that started it all.

Lauren Shuler Donner, producer of the X-Men was also not encouraging in her tone. From Collider:

"I think we have to figure out how many films a summer can handle without getting into X-Men fatigue... There's a summer, there's a year, say 2014, 2015, how many can you put out? Take into consideration there are also Marvel movies coming out then. At a certain point people want to see other movies besides comic book movies so you have to be really careful what you're going to pick, and how many are going to be released within a year."

It's easy to see where Liefeld's frustration is coming from. Ultimately his creations are at the mercy of the studio-in this case, Fox. It is not clear what caused the sudden turnaround right at the homestretch of filming "Days of Future Past" that they suddenly pushed all pending projects aside and prioritized "X-Men: Apocalypse."

Fox has its plate full with "Fantastic Four" in theaters on June 19th, 2015, followed by "X-Men: Apocalypse" on May 27th, 2016," The Wolverine 3" (not the official title) on March 3rd, 2017, "Fantastic Four 2 on July 14th, 2017" and an unspecified Marvel film on July 13th, 2018.

What would happen in "X-Men: Apocalypse?" The phrase extinction level keeps getting brandished around. Does that mean that Apocalypse will kill all the X-Men? Will the X-Force then appear as the only surviving mutants?

Wolverine is still in the line-up, but Wolverine has also been in the X-Force. What about the script that Wadlow created-will it be revised based on Apocalypse?

So many questions raised by this sudden move. An X-Force movie would be refreshingly sharp and edgy, as with Deadpool. The X-Men universe is rich with characters and not all of them would make it to the big screen. Let's hope Fox picks the right ones.

X-Men Apocalypse Spoilers
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