NBA Draft 2014: Noah Vonleh Is This Year's Sleeper! Hoosiers Forward Is Physically Built Like A 'Stronger Anthony Davis' Or A ‘Younger Chris Bosh!’

The NBA Draft 2014 is coming up, and as we get to know more of the possible prospects, the idea that this is one of the best drafts in a decade is starting to hold true.

No, it's not that Andrew Wiggins really is a Canadian Michael Jordan and Jabari Parker is not the next LeBron James. But more players who could very well become future All-Stars are being discovered.

They were only freshmen and they chose the top college programs in the country, playing behind some outstanding senior talent. College is not the same as the NBA, and seniority tends to carry a bit more weight.

That was the dilemma of Noah Vonleh. Sure, choosing Indiana honed his skills but his lack of exposure did not help his draft stock. But as Grantland would convincingly argue, if you're good, people are bound to notice:

"Which makes it all the more remarkable that Vonleh averaged 11.3 points and 9.0 rebounds (best in the Big Ten) last season despite only playing 26.5 minutes and operating in an offense that rarely featured him. 

Now seems like a good time to mention that Vonleh shot 48.5 percent from the 3-point line last season and showed that he can handle the ball pretty well for a big guy. Basically, Noah Vonleh is a physical marvel who has a knack for rebounding, who can score on the low block and shoot from outside, and who plays pretty solid defense (Big Ten starting centers only averaged eight points a game against Vonleh, which doesn't tell the whole story but gives you a decent idea nonetheless). Put him in the right environment and give him a few years to develop his jumper and handles, and there's no telling how good Vonleh could be."

His physical features (6'10" height, 7'5 wingspan) is very similar to Anthony Davis' numbers back in 2012 except that Vonleh is 20 pounds heavier yet he has a lower body fat percentage. That means he's not reed-thin like Davis was when he entered the NBA.

 But he has a different game. He's more a rebounder than shotblocker and he has three point range-hence the Bosh comparison. How soon will he be drafted?

ESPN's Chad Ford has the best analysis: "Two players who play his position, Kentucky's Julius Randle and Arizona's Aaron Gordon, are currently ranked ahead of him right now. Randle is more NBA-ready, and has more offensive skills in the paint at the moment. Gordon is the best athlete of the group, and is already an elite defender. But Vonleh is bigger than both, has a more established outside game than either player and is a terrific rebounder."

He would be a steal at no.7, although it would be a stretch to break the stranglehold of the Top Three (this draft is really good, as we've said). No matter where he lands, he will definitely be an asset.

NBA Draft 2014: Noah Vonleh
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