Whovians Call For Clara Death In Doctor Who Season 8 Before Release Date: Will Peter Capaldi Have Amnesia In The Premiere Episode?

As "Doctor Who" season 8 kicks into gear, fans are voicing their wishes for the series, one of which happens to be the demise of the current companion, Clara Oswald.

Recently, BBC began advertising "Doctor Who" season 8, which is set to premiere worldwide on August 23. In the teaser trailer below, we get a nice glimpse of Peter Capaldi's iteration of the Doctor, as well as Clara.

Sadly, some fans seem to still dislike Clara, and hope that "Doctor Who" season 8 will end the character's tenure on the series.

"Please tell me Clara leaves (hopefully dies a painful death) by the end of season 8," commented Tom Monty on YouTube. "I can't stand her."

"Finally someone who doesn't like Clara," wrote Solarstar10. "The whole dying a painful death is a bit much but I agree she is such a boring character. Her back story is so convoluted and mixed up it just feels poorly written."

Other however, are stepping up to defend Clara.

"You sound a little butthurt. Miss Amy and River much? It's obvious," said ShardofBrokenGlass.

Meanwhile, there are also rumors that Peter Capaldi's Doctor will suffer from amnesia when "Doctor Who" season 8 returns for the premiere.

"I hate the fact that Capaldi seems to have amnesia, just as Matt [Smith] said, 'I'll never forget,'" commented Gaodargon on June 29.

"It has happened to a lot of the Doctors, but it always wears off. The third Doctor had no idea that he was a Time Lord for at least an episode," added Eli Hauser.

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